Julie Godwin


LOVE. I use that word a lot. Can it be used too much? I don’t think so. I believe love is healing and healing is love.

I love my husband. Zak and I married less than a month after we met. It is my favorite love story. Zak died suddenly and tragically in 2022 after two and a half years of marriage. My love for him remains deep and steadfast. True love never dies.

I love words. I write for the exhale. Writing poetry has been one of my greatest healers; I often wonder where the words come from.

I love Jesus. Like, LOVE Jesus. He was speaking to my heart years before I even knew it and one of the most profound moments of my life is when my heart leapt in response.

I love people. Though a true introvert, one of the greatest answers to prayer was when I asked God to let me see people the way He does and to love them as an extension of Him.  It changed how I walk in this world.

I could go on and on but I think that’s a good introduction, don’t you?  I hope you’ll take a peek at the places on my website and see some of the things I love doing.  Thanks for being here.
